Tuesday, May 27, 2014


Rafflesia is the biggest flower of the world. It grows in the tropical rain forest of south-east Asia. All member of Rafflesia have 5 petals. However, Rafflesia Keithii sp. can sometimes bloom with 6 to 7 petals in certain population. This flower can be measure up to 90 cm in diameter and can weigh between 9 – 12 kg. Rafflesia flower produce a mildly foul odor that smells like a rotting meat to attract the carrion flies ( for pollination process). other than foul odor, carrion flies also attracted to its visual appearance.

Pollination Process
In searching for food or a place to lay eggs, carrion flies crawl into the anther chamber in male flower. the flies are guided by a series of valley and ridges and also hairs. while crawling into the anthers, the back of the flies comes into contact with a sticky yellow pollen which is then attached to its back, realizing there is no food or a place to lay eggs, the flies leaves with pollen on its back. if there is an open female flower nearby, the flies enters the flower cavity then the pollen on its back comes into contact with the stigmatic area and pollination process occur.

Sex Expression in Rafflesia Flower
In general, flower can be either unisexual or bisexual. Unisexual flower may be produced by the same plant (monoecious condition) or by different individual (dioecious condition). In Dioecious plants, flower of the opposite sex may appear in low numbers and some of the dioecious species may change sex from one vegetative period to the next depending on the environmental conditions. this phenomenon is called sequential dioecy.

The Dispersal of Rafflesia

Rafflesia Fruit
Rafflesia Seeds
Rafflesia Bud
When Rafflesia Fruits matured, the seeds must be dispersed to a suitable substrate, germinate and form new Rafflesia flower. Seeds dispersal of Rafflesia has been the subject of some speculation and imagination. Among the proposed dispersal agents were wild pigs, and squirrels.

Every seeds that touched the host plant will become a new bud in 3 years time. after the seed emerged from the host plant bark, it will take another 15 months to bloom then start to bloom for 48 hours. After it blooms for 5 days, it will start dying. most of the people said that on the day this flower start dying, it will produce more strong odor. they are wrong. when this flower die, there is no more smells produced by this flower.